I hope this post finds you doing well and staying warm. It's been a while since my last post and there are a million reasons why I have been such a slacker.
As you may know, I injured 3 fingers on my left hand in September, 2009. Several surgeries and countless trips to the torcher chick {therapy} later, I am left with fingers that won't straighten. They are in a permanent bend, and will be for the rest of my life. I'm also experiencing nerve issues because of all the trauma my fingers have been through.
Dealing with the day to day of functioning with this slight disability, it has forced me to take a hard look at my life, both personally and professionally. The statement of "you don't realize how much you miss something until it's gone", is an understatement. I figured it was my left hand and not my right hand, which is dominant. Once it healed, how bad could it be?
There are many duties or actions I can no longer perform without my hand interfering. I'm here with tears in my eyes and a heavy heart to announce I will not be manufacturing cruelty free and vegan bath and body products as of April 1, 2011.
I'm a perfectionist to a fault and was raised to be a hard worker and put 100% of myself into everything that I do. I am no longer 100% because of my hand, and I am not one to offer any less to my customers.
Cactus & Ivy was created on April 1, 2000 and it only seems fitting to close down the manufacturing on the same day, especially since I have a little "OCD" in me that wouldn't have it any other way. The site reflects changes that have already taken place, as in the removal of products that are no longer available for retail.
Cactus & Ivy will remain a company and I am planning to have other projects under its umbrella. Once I have all the particulars nailed down, I will announce what is to be next on this journey.
I've been my own boss for close to 11 years. I know for a fact I would make a terrible employee, just because I've been doing my own thing for so long. I am taking the front seat in my other venture, Personal Care Truth, that I co-founded with Kristin Fraser Cotte with The Grapeseed Company.
Even though I will not be manufacturing personal care products, I believe in the truth and will continue to fight for all the manufacturers in the industry, both big and small. For those that know me well, know that I stand firm in my beliefs and I can be just as loud, if not louder, when it comes to standing up for the truth.
Thank you for making my dream a reality. For the business, feedback, comments and press for the past 11 years. I've met some fabulous people and gained valuable friendships over the years. I'm confident that the trail I blaze will always be associated with the cosmetic industry. It's in my blood. This decision would be unbearable if it weren't for the love and support of my husband, family and friends.
I leave you with a quote that I shared with a friend that was moving forward in her life. “Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong - sometimes it's letting go."
Thanks for stopping by y'all! Have a fabulous day!