Monday, February 2, 2009

Cactus & Ivy New Product Pictures

Hey Y'all!!

Woo hoo!!! I hope this post finds you doing well. What a slacker I am!! I haven't posted in over a week and I think I am in withdrawals!! Please forgive me.

As you know, I asked for feedback from the Design a Valentine's Day line contest and feedback I received. One of the comments I saw mentioned numerous times was in reference to the pictures on the Cactus & Ivy site.

Prevo, (love him bunches), has been working on taking new pictures for me since investing in a handy, dandy photo box. It lights up like a "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", (I love that movie by the way)! It truly beckons me to place something, anything under the light. I'm thinking that the cats aren't safe kitty kitty. I just want to see how everything looks under the beautiful glow and to see if I have an ounce or two of photography skills in my genes.

Now I need your help. I took the pictures you see here and I'd love to get your feedback. Keep in mind that I am an amateur. When you own a business, you do whatever it takes to keep the costs down. I like the fact that I don't have to pack products up to send to a photographer and then wait for the outcome. As long as I can remember, I've always been an impatient person, at least when it comes to things like this.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope y'all have a wonderful day!! Oh, and don't worry, I can take it!! Give me the "no holds barred" feedback that I appreciate so much!!

Lisa M. Rodgers
Creator Extraordinaire
Cactus & Ivy
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